
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please check your 'spam' folder. Email not there? Are you behind a firewall (which stops incoming communcation from unauthorised sources)?

Please contact us againafter adding our email address to your Contacts list – so that we can send you login information.

(See point #2, below, for more information.)

Email symbol

If you do not receive an email response from us, this indicates that:

  • our email has been intercepted by your spam filter, or
  • a firewall (at your end) has prevented our email from reaching you, or
  • your ISP (Internet Service Provider) has wrongly treated our email as spam and has rejected it.

To make sure that we can make contact with you, please add our address to your Contacts List. (Depending on your email program, operating system, etc, your Contacts List may be called your 'Address Book'.) Note that, if you have not added us to your Contacts List, we cannot contact you! The email address you must add to your Contacts List is:
address image

If you have a Hotmail address, you must add our email address to your list of “Safe Senders”. ("Safe Senders" are those people from whom you do wish to receive email.) To add us to your list of Safe Senders, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Options button. If you are using the full version of Hotmail instead of the classic version, select More options… too.
  2. Select Safe and blocked senders under the Junk e-mail heading.
  3. On the next page, click on Safe Senders to bring up the entry form.
  4. Type:
    ... and then click Add to list >>.

If you still do not receive a response from us, please use an alternative email address. It is very frustrating for us – and for you – if a malfunctioning email address prevents us from making contact with you.

Payment gateway logos.

PayPal is a widely-used means of paying for goods on the internet. You can use PayPal to make your payment whether you have a PayPal account or not.

Note We never see or have any access to customers' credit card information. When you make a transaction on our site, you will be redirected to the secure servers of PayPal or Realex (whichever you choose when making your purchase). All sensitive information is processed by them.

(See our Purchasing page for pricing information.)

Payment gateway logos.

'Verified' PayPal members can link their PayPal accounts to regular bank accounts and make online purchases via e-Check. (Payments made via e-Check are debited directly from PayPal users' bank accounts rather than from a credit card.)

Note e-Checks are the electronic equivalent of 'paper' checks and take anywhere from 3 to 9 days to clear at our end, depending on your location. If you purchase Download Credits on our site via e-Check, your LGBP account will continue to show 0 (zero) Credits until your e-Check clears.

Payment gateway logos.

For our customers who may not wish to pay via PayPal, Realex is a fully secure alternative. Realex handle secure online payments for thousands of customers, including Vodafone and Aer Lingus.

Go ahead and make your purchase of Download Credits via Realex, if you wish.

(Roll over to zoom.)
Use iTunes to play back or transfer our mp3 files.

If you don't already have iTunes on your computer, download and install it.

Then click here to launch iTunes and subscribe to our podcast.

From the iTunes window you can:

  • play our lessons back directly
  • drag our mp3 files onto your desktop for transfer elsewhere

(Roll over to zoom.)

Right-click (PC) or Control-click (Mac) the Play Lesson button to download the associated mp3 file to your computer.

  1. Right-click (PC) or Control-click (Mac) the Play Lesson button associated with the lesson you're working on.
  2. From the contextual menu which appears:
    • on PC, select Save Link As…
    • on Mac, select Download Linked File As…
  3. In the Save Dialog Box:
    • Choose a destination for the audio file (e.g. your desktop)
    • Type a name for the mp3 file, e.g. 'LGBP_01.mp3'
  4. Click Save.

Watch this video

We recommend using one of the 3rd-party utilities available from the App Store to transfer PDFs to your iTouch/iPhone/iPad. We use Air Sharing but there is a range of Apps available for this purpose.

This short video, which we prepared in response to the same question for our site at learnfrenchbypodcast.com explains how to transfer PDFs using Air Sharing.

(Note: to transfer PDFs as described in the video requires that you can access the same wireless network with both your iPhone/iTouch/iPad and your computer.

No. Our sites have been developed independently of each other so credits cannot be transferred from one to the other.

Zero credits indicated

In rare instances it may happen that Download Credits will not be applied immediately to your LGBP account after making your purchase. This may happen if:

  1. you have made a payment via e-Check. Credits will be applied to your account as soon as your e-Check clears. See also '3. What are my payment options?', above.
  2. a 'timeout' occurred during your payment as a result of a slow - or temporarily slow - internet connection.

Please contact us if you have made a payment but your LGBP account still shows 0 credits. We will manually apply your purchased Credits to your LGBP account.

Yes, but only with a site licence.

If you would like to use our content with your class group, please contact us for a site licence. We will prepare a separate quotation on the basis of the number of students in your group and the desired duration of use (1 academic year, etc).

Note As per our Terms and Conditions, purchasing via our Purchase Credits page allows you to access our content for personal use only.

Credit token.

No. Download Credits do not have a time limit.

You can come back to our site at any time and make use of the Credits in your account to access LGBP content.

Copyright symbol.

Yes. All LGBP content is protected by copyright law and may not be re-sold, reproduced, redistributed or re-purposed in any way or by any means without explicit written consent of Plus Publications.

Please respect our intellectual property. We work very hard to create our language-learning resources and do our best to make our content available at a reasonable price. If you want to use our materials, please pay for them!

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